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HTML Code Spy 1.50

HTML Code Spy 1.50

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HTML Code Spy Publisher's Description

Some designers and webmasters constantly surf various sites hunting for the new ideas. Coming across a new element of design or an unusual interesting site structure you probably would like to view the HTML code corresponding for it. But practically most sites' codes are too overloaded that it is quite a problem to find a code that corresponds to that particular site fragment. But now we have a smart Internet Explorer add-in program that can do it for us easily, it is HTML Code Spy.
HTML Code Spy is an additional program for the Internet Explorer that enables the revealing of HTML code segments of the page. It is very easy to use: you select the necessary part in the browser, launch the context-sensitive menu by pressing the right mouse button and choose a new item "HTML Code Spy". After that a new window appears that contains the code of the selected fragment.
Besides the detection of the selected part code the program provides the information of its place in the code of the whole page. It is also possible to save and copy the text into the Windows Clipboard for its use in the future.

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Browsers > Add-ons & Plugins
This product is also listed in: Web Design Tools


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